
Hello Hungry Bird

Hello, Hungry Bird is a a never-seen-before type of food app, for street food. Hungry Bird is mainly meant for the night owl eaters, that find themselves wondering around in the middle of the night with a striking hunger. But it also caters to the early birds, displaying two different interfaces for night and day.

What Was The Problem?

What Was The Problem?

1. Late night cravings.

2. Finding open late night restaurants.

3. Food carts are open 24/7 but hard to find if you don’t know where to look.

4. All of the above while being drunk or high.

What's The Solution?

What's The Solution?

An app in which users can find the street food they want, near them, at all hours of the day, and with the honest reviews that they need.

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Two interfaces for whatever bird you are.

Two interfaces for whatever bird you are.

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